With the arrival of spring (soon we hope), the call for recruitment of new Board members to the SCAA Board of Directors once again enters your inbox. SCAA has openings on our Board of Directors and we always welcome a mix of people who have served in the past and those who are new to the role. Any members who would like to support archives across Saskatchewan are encouraged to nominate themselves for the Board. It’s a great opportunity to meet other archivists and learn more about the issues facing archives. Board participation also gives individuals a chance to develop (or refine) their skills relating to grant adjudication, interpretation of financial statements, application of policy and governance principles. If you don’t have experience, do not worry, the SCAA staff are always ready to help and you will be joining a Board with a mix of veterans and newcomers :-) As we start emerging from the turmoil of the past couple of years, we have begun the process of returning to face-to-...