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Showing posts from January, 2019

February 3-9, 2019 is Declared as Archives Week!

February 3-9, 2019 is Declared as Archives Week!  The 14th Annual event will once again bring Saskatchewan’s archives into the provincial spotlight as never before! These events by SCAA members may include Celebrity Reader nights, historic film nights, open houses and various types of individual and inter-institutional exhibits that will focus on the abundant sources of Saskatchewan’s history and heritage in archives and Celebrate Archives! The SCAA is eager to help its institutional members in the effort to make Archives Week 2019 a memorable one. To achieve this, SCAA has again produced our popular postcards and bookmarks.

FOSA Update - January

From time-to-time we welcome the input from our friend the Interim Gopher, Bill Armstrong, of the Friends of Saskatchewan Archives (FoSA) in contributing stories and additional insights to "Outside the Box."   Salud! The gopher is so 2018, finally passing along some notes from the meeting of FOSA and PAS folks back in November. At that meeting Madeleine with the Archives reported that in the previous two months or so FOSA volunteers had processed a further 1900 items for the Photo Project. Impressive. At that time Chief Archivist Linda McIntyre had no firm plans to share regarding Archives Week, but since that is little more than a month away now, hold that thought. She reported that about 180 folks showed up for the screening of the five videos created from archives holdings, covering Saskatchewan and the First World War. I've attached a photo of one of the displays. Needless to say - but I'll say it anyway - FOSA volunteers helped out a lot at the event.   ...