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Showing posts from March, 2018

Archives and Reconciliation

Truth, reconciliation, and decolonization are at the forefront of many peoples' minds these days, and no less so in the archival community. Archives have a crucial role to play in the truth-seeking and acknowledgement that must occur before meaningful reconciliation can take place between Indigenous peoples and Canada's settler populations.  By preserving records of Indigenous history under colonial rule and walking the line between making those records accessible, but protecting the identities of those who suffered under the system, archivists are uniquely situated to provide supports for change. For this reason, the SCAA wishes to provide additional supports to our members as they work within this rapidly shifting landscape of Indigenous-Settler relationships. To this end, a workshop is being offered on March 12th, 2018 from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm at the First Nations University Multipurpose Room. The day-long workshop will consist of two parts, Morning Presen...